★ 0 Salad Bowl Stefanplast Tosca Beige Plastic 29 x 13 x 29 cm (8 Units)Lunch boxes, food containers and salad bowls €48.67
★ 0 Toilet-roll holder, kitchen-roll holder Jofel industrial Steel 43,5 cmOther accessories and cookware €60.53
★ 0 Salad Bowl Stefanplast Tosca Blue Plastic 19 x 9 x 19 cm (12 Units)Lunch boxes, food containers and salad bowls €37.98
★ 0 Salt Shaker with Lid Home ESPRIT Beige Grey Natural Bamboo Dolomite 15 x 12 x 11 cm (2 Units)Spice and sauce boats €21.52
★ 0 Tin Stefanplast Tosca Hermetic Rectangular Beige Plastic 700 ml 10,2 x 8 x 15,3 cm (12 Units)Lunch boxes, food containers and salad bowls €57.89
★ 0 Cooling Beer Dispenser Continental Edison Mb5B3 5 LCorkscrews, can openers and bottle openers €140.30
★ 0 Cutting board DKD Home Decor Natural Bamboo Stainless steel 28 x 21,5 x 4,2 cmCooking boards €20.95
★ 0 Salad Bowl Stefanplast Tosca Blue Plastic 29 x 13 x 29 cm (8 Units)Lunch boxes, food containers and salad bowls €48.67