★ 0 7 in 1 vegetable cutter, grater and mandolin with recipes and accessories Choppie Expert InnovaGoodsGraters, cutters and peelers €23.40
★ 0 Mould for Making Fresh Cheese with Manual and Recipes Freashy InnovaGoodsOther accessories and cookware €12.36
★ 0 Set of Reusable Hermetically-sealed Bags Zags InnovaGoods 6 UnitsLunch boxes, food containers and salad bowls €16.57
★ 0 2-in-1 Soap Dispenser for the Kitchen Sink Pushoap InnovaGoodsOther accessories and cookware €12.70
★ 0 4-in-1 Microwave Pasta Cooker with Accessories and Recipes Pastrainest InnovaGoodsOther accessories and cookware €16.78